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Think, get deeper inside and get loose your extra weight normally.

 "I am fatty, I gained my weight within only eight to nine month.
And surprising thing is that, I was not aware of the fact that I was getting fatty day by day, night by ningh. Week by week.
Oh ! How did it happened.
And now I really wants to get rid of this extra weight. What should I do now !"

This is the real confession of a person who go fatty in a couple of weeks.

What's the solution than, discuss on that. Real need is solution, not the problem.
Ok, you are thinking why I am narrating the problem only, inspite of solution.

Because problem itself is the way to solution.

How did you put up the weight in less than a year. And why did it happened this time? Why this time only ?

Beacuse, because......
During the period your were eating Emotionally . Yes !
During the period you were living in a emotional zone most of the time.
And you were searching peace, fullness, state of easiness and relexation in Eating only.
Eating was the time, you were released and relexed enough.
And you eat more you required.

This was emotional eating man !

Don't stop that. Actually you can't stop that habbit in a day or week. Your emotions will not allow you to do so, beacuse emotional eating is the defence mechanism adopted by your mind during the pshcholopsych crisis. Yes this is fact.

Now . Do one thing , for your health for yourself.
Think , why you were emotionall unbalanced during the time discussed above.
Sort out the answer. And than you can see decrease in emotional eating. You will see balanced eating in your habbit.

Think, get deeper inside and get loose your extra weight normally.
Right way is the first step towards getting fit.

If you got the point. Work on this.
I will discuss and assist you in next blog, drop your question in comment box.

And , share the idea if you are agreed.

Thanks for being here.

Bye for the day.


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